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Finding You Page 11

  “There’s been a change of plan. Come with me.” The man turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Sean sat, open-mouthed, and staring after him. He shook himself before standing up and following the man. Sean was feeling better after a night’s rest, however he was still finding it difficult to keep up with the man.

  “What’s the change of plan?” Sean shouted. He had a right to know what was happening to himself and the lack of information was making him uneasy.

  “I’ll tell you once you’re there.” The man had stilled as he waited for Sean to catch-up. The man moved so quickly that Sean barely had time to register what was happening. Before he knew it, the man was securing handcuffs around his wrists. “Sorry, but I was told not to take any risks with you.” The man pulled Sean along as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

  Once they were outside, he was helped into the back of a prison van. The door shut, and the silence engulfed Sean. What had happened overnight for plans to change? Sean wanted to lash out and punch the inside of the van, however he knew from experience that it would only cause him more pain and wouldn’t get him any answers. Instead, he focused on his breathing, trying to relax so that he could ask the right questions when the time came.

  Sean soon found himself outside HM Prison Manchester. His escort had thrown open the doors to the van, and Sean stared open-mouthed at the menacing building. The man pulled at him to climb out of the van.

  “What’s going on?” Sean tried to pull back, but the man’s grip on him was too strong.

  “Your supervisor is inside and he’ll explain. Don’t draw too much attention to yourself.” Sean did as he was told and dutifully followed the police officer into the prison and past the security. They took him straight to the isolation wing where his supervisor was waiting for him.

  “Thank you, that will be all.” Sean’s escort was dismissed.

  “What’s happening?” Sean’s wrists had been freed from the cuffs, however he had been ushered inside the cell and his supervisor had shut them in. There was no escaping.

  “There’s been further developments. The gang knew where you were being transported to and the house burned down. We need to keep you safe. Nobody here knows your true identity. We’ve created a false report for you, and you will stay in isolation for the time being. As soon as we can move you to a safe house, we will.” Sean’s supervisor looked worried, which told Sean how serious the situation was. Despite this, Sean was not concerned for his own safety. There was only one person he cared about.

  “Is Laura safe?” A sob rose in Sean’s chest. What if she had been in the house during the fire?

  “She wasn’t at the safe house when the fire began. We’ll do our best to keep her safe. I have to go now. Sean, please behave. Your life depends on it.”

  The door closed and reality set in. He was in prison. These four walls would be all he knew for the foreseeable.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Sean spent twenty-three hours in solitary confinement. The remaining hour was usually spent exercising on his own. For the first few weeks he had kept a record of the passing days, however he soon gave up. He suspected he had now been at Strangeways for almost six months. It was half a year since he had last held Laura, and yet she was all that he thought about. His cell was bare - the four walls painted in a depressing beige. There was just a small single bed and a desk furnishing the space. Sean spent every waking hour thinking, lost in his thoughts. Occasionally he would try reading, however his thoughts would soon steal away his attention. He would think about what Laura was doing. He only hoped that she had made it to another safe house and was not being kept imprisoned in solitary confinement like himself. As the weeks passed, Sean could feel himself slipping further and further away from reality. He was incandescent with rage. Six months in prison for trying to do his job. He had also had no contact with the outside world. Sean only hoped that no news was good news.

  The first few weeks had been the worst. Sean had lashed out at a prison guard, which had resulted in his hour of exercise being stopped for two weeks. He hadn’t tried that again. It was hard knowing that all of this was just to keep him safe.

  Today, Sean was lying on his bed waiting for his lunch to be pushed through the hatch. The food was disgusting, but at least it broke the day up. It gave him something to focus on. There was a noise outside the door and Sean sat up, ready to collect his food once someone pushed it through. However, the door opened and a single man stood on the other side - he wasn’t a prison guard.

  "Mr Scott?” The man asked, checking that he had the right person. Sean nodded in response. “I’m here to drive you to the safe location.” Sean blinked in shock. He wasn’t aware of any plans to move him. It could be a trap but Sean didn’t care, this was his chance to get out of this cell.

  "Where are we going?” Sean questioned as he followed the man off of the isolation wing.

  “I’m afraid I’m not permitted to tell you until we’re on the road. We don’t want anyone overhearing. Try not to draw any attention to yourself. The guards think you’re being transferred to another prison.” The man turned to him, his eyes pleading with him to understand. Sean understood that secrecy was imperative, and so he followed the man without protesting.

  The car waiting out the front had blacked-out windows. Despite Sean’s extensive knowledge of cars, he couldn’t quite decipher what make it was. Someone had obviously customised it, and Sean suspected that the darkened windows would be made with bulletproof glass. He wondered whether Laura had received the same level of security, he could only hope that she had. The driver directed Sean to the backseat, informing him he would be safer there should anyone catch up with them.

  Sean looked out of the window as the car sped off. They made their way out of Manchester and joined the motorway heading north. It was nice to be out in the open world again. He could finally re-unite with Laura.

  “Can you tell me where we’re going?” Sean asked again. He hated not being in control of the situation.

  “Edinburgh.” Silence echoed throughout the car as Sean let it sink in. He had never even been to Scotland before.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Sean opened his eyes to see that it was dusk outside. In a matter of minutes, the last light would fade. He must have fallen asleep quite early into the journey, as he had very little recollection of the route they had taken. Despite the waning light, Sean recognised the gothic architecture of Edinburgh. Although he had never visited, he had seen the city on television and read about it enough times to know that this must be it. Under any other circumstances he would have been marvelling at his surroundings, taking it all in to tell Laura. The thought of Laura sent his mind spinning out of control. He hoped she had already taken this route, she’d already seen these buildings, and that she was waiting for him at the safe house.

  “Are we far?” Sean asked, his voice was still gruff from sleep. He rubbed his eyes and tried to sit up straight in an attempt to wake himself up. He needed to be alert when they got out of the car, just in case somebody had followed them. Sean was hopeful that the gang would not be expecting him to depart from prison.

  “Not far now, only about another ten minutes.” The driver responded, keeping his eyes firmly on the road in front. Sean knew from experience that his driver was far more than just a chauffeur. He would be fully trained to protect Sean should anything go wrong. There would also be another car following them, filled with trained officers. Sean had been a part of this procedure enough times to know how well protected he was, he had just never expected to be the one in protective custody.

  The driver had been correct in his estimation of ten minutes as nine and a half minutes later the car pulled to a stop outside a rather depressing looking house. Gone was the grand gothic architecture of Edinburgh city centre. They were now on the outskirts of the city, in the midst of a housing estate. Sean looked out onto a sea of grey houses with numerous blocks of flats towering over the estate. It was worlds
away from the flat Sean shared with Laura, but for now it would do. For the time being they wouldn’t be allowed outside the house, but that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that they would be together again after six long months.

  Once all the checks had been done, an officer opened Sean’s car door for him and led him to the front door. Two more officers were standing behind him. As the door swung open, Sean couldn’t help but notice it was a composite door - one of the strongest on the market. They weren’t taking any chances with their safety. With this in mind, Laura engulfed his thoughts and all he could think about was seeing her again. He was eager to wrap his arms around her and to hold her in his embrace. To know that she was safe and that he was there to protect her. Following the officers into the house, Sean looked around. It was bleak but liveable. The hallway walls were a grubby magnolia colour and not a single picture hung on them. It almost reminded him of the properties that the organised crime group owned, each one devoid of anything personal.

  Sean walked down the small hallway and into the living room, where two men were sitting waiting for him. Both were dressed in jeans and a plain top, however Sean could see the outline of a gun in their waistband.

  “Mr Scott, this is Paul and Carl, both of whom are here for your protection.” The police officer who led Sean into the house motioned for Sean to take a seat so that he could speak. With a sigh, Sean did as he was told. He already knew the protocol for protective custody, however he understood the officer would be obliged to talk him through it.

  "Mr Scott, you will stay here for the foreseeable future. You’re not allowed any contact with the outside world. Paul and Carl are here for your safety, but also to ensure that you stay within the confines of the property. There will also be plain clothed police officers patrolling outside. When possible, Paul and Carl will communicate any updates to you. Do you have any questions?” The officer finished his spiel and gave Sean a tight smile. He obviously just wanted to begin the long journey home.

  “What’s been happening for the past six months?” Sean’s question was met with silence as the officers all looked at each other. “Okay, forget that question. Laura can fill me in. Where is she?” The excitement was bubbling inside of Sean. Despite the dingy house and being under house arrest, at least he would be with Laura and they could make the most of it. This would be the perfect opportunity to enjoy each other’s company.

  “Oh, hasn’t anybody told you?” The man named Paul stood up, his tone filled with pity. A chill settled over Sean. What had happened to Laura?

  “Where is she?” he asked. His hands were trembling and he could feel the room begin to spin around him. He had spent the last six months thinking she was safe. It was the only thing that kept him sane whilst staring at the same four walls.

  “We’re not sure.” The man replied. His tone was completely devoid of any emotion, which only fuelled Sean’s anger. How dare they leave Laura in such danger?

  “What happened?” Sean growled through clenched teeth. His fists were balled up next to him as he tried to control the anger that was threatening to overcome him. Why wouldn’t they tell him anything? How could they not know where she was? Sean did his best to channel his police training and to clear his mind before it could start conjuring up potential scenarios in which the gang captured Laura.

  “There were officers stationed at the flat waiting for her to come home. The plan was to place her in immediate protective custody. We’re not entirely sure what went wrong. She came home to the flat, that much we know, as she came across the bloody scene that you left behind. After that, a neighbour raised the alarm and tried to keep her calm whilst the police came. This neighbour has told us that Laura left with two officers. However, there’s no official record of anyone escorting her to safety. We’re unsure whether it was a rogue officer or just a gang member pretending. The plain clothed police officers that were stationed at the flat have said that they were relieved from their position by other officers. We suspect these people were also either rogue or fake.” As the officer finished his explanation, Sean tried to take in the information that he had just been given. Whether they were fake officers or just rogue officers, it didn’t matter, because either way Laura was in grave danger.

  "So after all this, they’ve still captured Laura? And nobody thought to tell me during the last six months.” Sean asked, his voice was shaking with emotion. A mixture of fear, anger and despair filled him - making it almost impossible to function.

  “It’s possible that she’s escaped. We’ve been using CCTV to track the car she left in, and it looks as though she got away. We’re combing more footage to locate her.”

  Sean couldn’t speak, his heart was aching too much for the woman he loved. He was supposed to protect her, and yet he had put her in unimaginable danger. A red fog clouded his vision. He was angry at himself, angry at the gang, and he was angry at the officers who had failed to protect her. Sean was vaguely aware of the officers announcing that they would show him to his room. They escorted him upstairs. His legs were moving, but he didn’t know how, his mind was too full to comprehend what was going on around him. Soon they reached the top of the stairs and he was gently pushed into the room by one of the officers.

  “Get some rest.” They instructed him before closing the door. The sound of bolts being slid across the door pulled Sean back to the present. He was stuck in Edinburgh under the watchful eyes of countless police officers. Meanwhile, Laura was alone and running for her life. There was nothing he could do to help her. Throwing himself onto the bed, Sean let out a scream of anguish before he was overcome with heart-wrenching sobs.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  The days had all merged into one, but slowly the weeks were passing. Sean was being kept locked in his room at the safe house, out of fear that he might abscond if allowed to roam around the house. Every day he begged for an update as to Laura’s whereabouts, and yet each day he was told they still didn’t know where she was. Sean knew that this was bad news, there was no way Laura could evade police surveillance, something must have happened to her.

  A knock on Sean’s door made him jump. The officer named Paul came into his room with breakfast on a tray.

  “Here you go,” he said, placing the tray down on the bedside table. The room was sparse with only a single bed, a bedside table and a barren desk in the corner. It was depressing, but that was the least of Sean’s worries. At least it was an upgrade from the prison cell they had kept him in. Occasionally, Sean would look out of the bedroom window, watching as spring slowly arrived.

  “Any news?” Sean asked, it was more out of habit than anything. Whenever Paul or Carl entered the room, he would ask for an update and they always replied saying they didn’t know anything.

  “No, but I’ve requested a computer. I thought perhaps you might like to look through the CCTV footage yourself? After all, there’s nobody better than you to spot Laura in a crowd. Also, I’m not sure how well they’re looking for Laura. You’re the main target, so all the resources seem to have been focused on you.”

  Sean could have leapt forward and hugged Paul. It was a brilliant idea; he didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of it himself. Sitting here doing nothing was soul destroying, but if he had the right equipment, at least he could do something to contribute towards getting Laura to safety. Paul was right, Laura was just another missing woman. There were too many missing people for them to focus too many resources on her.

  By the beginning of June, they had transformed the downstairs dining room into a technology hub. In the middle of the room sat a gigantic desk with five big screens surrounding it, each playing footage from various CCTV sources. Because of the secrecy of Sean’s location they, had not been able to have any IT people in to set the system up, and so it had taken the three men a frustrating amount of time to get the screens up and running. After four days, it was finally in action. Sean sat down, finally ready to flick through the different screens.

had been eight months since Laura had gone missing. Sean was trying to ignore how impossible the task seemed. How would he ever find Laura amongst all those months of CCTV footage? With some trepidation, Sean began to watch the hours of footage. He located the CCTV surrounding the flat in hope that he could follow Laura’s moves from the day she went missing. He watched in horror as Laura was escorted out of the building by two men he recognised. They were the same two men who had shot him.

  “Is that her?” Paul asked. He was sitting next to Sean, watching the footage.

  “That’s her and they’re the men that tried to kill me." Sean’s face was ashen and his voice was little more than a whisper. With a newfound frenzy, he tracked Laura’s movements through the CCTV. He watched as the car drove for a while. Eventually, it came to a halt at a crossroad. Despite the fuzzy picture from the traffic cameras, Sean could see the backdoor open and Laura sprung out and ran. The two men immediately sprinted after her, leaving the car abandoned at the lights. Sean’s breath caught in his throat as he watched them chase her. They were mere feet from her. Was it possible that she had got away from them?

  “Where does she go next?” Paul questioned, he was leaning closer to the screen and squinting as they both tried to track Laura’s movements.

  “I’m not sure.” Sean was frustrated. Laura was ducking in and out of side streets, and soon there would be no CCTV for them to track the rest of her movements.

  “Let’s bring back the footage from the car and see what happened to it.” Paul suggested and Sean pressed a few buttons so that the screen flickered back to the traffic camera. The car was abandoned at the lights, with the doors flung open. Cars were beeping it and angrily driving around it, however there was no driver in sight. Both men held their breath as they continued to watch the car to see whether the men returned to it. After what seemed like an eternity, they watched as the two men walked back up to the car and got in. Laura wasn’t with them.